Photon Module 2 Releases
v1.4.9 (December 18th 2024)
Unity 6 support
Game Creator 2.17.51 support
Updated state sync demo
Fixed InvalidCastException when Player becomes ragdoll
v1.3.8 (August 25th 2024)
Added new camera synchronzation option in Character Network
Added new get game object property to get Player's Camera
v1.3.6 (Jun 19th 2024)
New Set Offline Mode instruction
Photon Instantiate event will pass the proper target object
Added new Color Ping property
Added new number properties Player Number, Ping and Score
Added new Player Spawned and Despawned events
Floating text will now pass the proper target object
Changed room chat component colors to GC properties
v1.3.5 (Dec 23th 2023)
Updated demos
v1.3.4 (Nov 14th 2023)
Support for Game Creator 2 version 2.13.45
Added sprite field to photon models list
Updated demos
v1.3.3 (Sep 9th 2023)
Support for latest GC 2 version
Support for latest Ready Player Me SDK
Updated demos
v1.3.2 (June 14th 2023)
Fixed issues with latest GC2 update
Added new Preload Avatars instruction for Ready Player Me
Updated demos
v1.3.0 (May 17th 2023)
Room Chat component
ReadyPlayerMe support
Change Model network synchronization
Local and Global List Variables Network component, lists can be use for Player List, Network Instantiation or Synchronize their values through the network.
New floating UI text system
New Character Selection demo
New SyncScene demo
New Photon Models List component to be able to sync model changes
Teleport if player is too distant from its real position
New Player Count getter
New UnitPhotonDirectional for remote players and changed how position is sync
Unity Random seed synchronization
New InputReference
New Getters Last Chat Player and Last Message from Player
New Is Message Queue Running instruction
New Don't Destroy On Load instruction
New Condition Photon State
Reset kernel facing and player when master client switches
Sync when vertical speed is reset
Improved position and rotation synchronization
Photon Player Name getter will return local set nickname if no target is set
Changed PhotonLoadLevelIndex to use Scene getter from GameCreator instead
Prevent RPC and LocalNameVariablesNetwork to execute network calls when not in a room
Fixed issues initializing NetworkManager
Fixed an issue resetting player making unable to perform certain actions after viewing a character inspector
Fixed issues with Player and Room name getters
Fixed another issue with VisualScriptingNetworking component
Fixed a null ref issue with TriggerRPC and ActionsRPC
Fixed an issue with Photon Instantiation variables
Fixed issues with track and untrack objects
Fixed a bug with latest GC2 update
Fixed an issue with RPC's not initializing correctly
v1.2.0 (March 27th 2023)
NEW Character attachments synchronization
NEW Photon Attachment component
NEW Update demo scene with an attachment see it in action, also update live demo.
NEW Request Ownership instruction
NEW OnOwnershipRequest event
NEW OnOwnershipTransfered event
NEW OnOwnershipFailed event
NEW Is Owner condition
Fixed some internal issues with the Visual Scripting Network components
Updated some property icons
Updated to latest Game Creator 2
Updated to Unity 2021.3.20f1
New Local Name Variables synscronization
New Global Name Variables synscronization
Improved facing direction syncronization to work with any type of character configuration
Fixed an issue with VisualScriptingNetworking not cleaning up properly
Fixed issues with ragdoll sync
Is Mine will no longer throw an error if the Game Object doesn't have a Photon View
Fix rotation issue for NPCs
Fixed an issue prevent builds to run properly
Updated WebGL demo
Fixed issues with RPCs not running on builds
Added new OnPhotonInstantiate event
Improved PhotonInstantiate and InstantiateRoomObject instructions to accept both Local and Global name variables
Updated WebGL demo
Known Issues: Player nickname are not showing in builds, this will be fixed in the next update coming soon.
1.0.0 (2nd March 2023)
First release.
Keep in mind this is a beta version, if there is any issues or missing feature please don't hesitate to contact me through my email or discord server.
Last updated