User Interface
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The Fusion module comes with a collection of components designed to streamline the creation of UI windows and elements.
All examples that come with the module have been created with them and are flexible to accommodate any type of window.
This is one of the most important components and allows to display a list of avalable sessions to join.
The Content field defines the Rect Transform
where each prefab instance will be instantiated, for every visible session.
The Content value should contain an auto-layout component, such as Vertical Layout Group
, Horizontal Layout Group
or Grid Layout Group
The Prefab is the prefab instantiated inside the Content. It must contain a Session Item UI component, which is automatically configured by its parent.
The Empty Message is an option message to display when session list is empty.
The Sort Direction field determines the order in which members are displayed based on the sort field index.
The Sort Index specify the index of the session property to sort by. This allows for flexibility in sorting by different criteria, such as sessio name, player count, sessio properties and more.
The Fusion UI package provides a ready-to-use prefab for the session list.
Sessions marked as not visible are not displayed here.
The Session Item UI component is designed to represent individual entries within the session list, displaying various properties of a session.
The alternate background option allows you to set an alternate background image for the scoreboard item, which can help distinguish between different rows for better readability.
The Join Button is required to allow playes to join the specifc session, this button can be disabled if the session is not open.
Fields can be customized to display specific data of types string or number.
The Text field is the component that displays the data
Use Format enables the formatting feature for the associated text or number field.
Percentage Formatting
Use {0:P}
to convert 0.99 to 99%.
Currency Formatting
Use {0:C}
to convert 1000 to $1,000.00.
Number Formatting
Use {0:N}
to convert 1000 to 1,000.
Use Color enables the option to apply color to the field using properties
You can use fields to display session properties as well.
It is possibe to display availabe regions by attaching a RegionDropdownUI component in a DropDown menu. This will display enabled regions in Fusion Module Settings.
The selected region by this drop menu will be stored in player prefs. The selected region is accessibe through a Game Creator 2 string property.
The Room Chat component is designed to facilitate real-time communication between players within a game session. It offers various customizable options to enhance the chat experience, ensuring smooth interaction and a polished user interface.
Prefab: a game object that requirs to have a Text or TextMeshPro UI component
Input: the input field to type messages
Background: an image component that can fade in fade out depending if room chat is focused or not.
Container: a scroll rect view that contains chat entries
Activate On Input: if enabled chat input field can be activated with an specifed input trigger.
Input Trigger: the input key to activate the chat.
Max Lines: how many lines of messages can the room chat keep
Max Visible Lines: how many chat entries stay visible when chat is unfocused/unselected
Fade Out Start: how long until starts fading out since the last message received
Fade Out Duration: the duratin of the messages fade out
Background Fade Out Duration: how long it takes to fade out the backgroud image
Disable Player When Typing: if enabled the player movemet will be disabled when typing
Unseen Messages: sets a property with the number of unseen messags when chat is unfocused
Floating text serves as an instruction to generate user interface text above a specific target. This feature is commonly utilized for displaying character nameplates, chat bubbles, and other similar elements.
Target: the target where the floating text is going to be displayed
Text: the text that is going to be displayed in the floating UI
Prefab: an optional prefab which you can customize to your needs the only thing needed is a Text or TextMeshPro UI component.
Offset: an offset value to display the UI
Duration: how long is this UI going to be displayed, mostly useful for bubble chat. If set to 0 it will stay forever.
Fade Out Time: the time takes to fade out if duratin is greater than 0
Color: a color to tint the text component.
The prefab is optional but if you don't define it a preconfigured UI will be generated autmatically.