Remote Procedure Calls
Remote Procedure Calls, simply referred to as RPCs, are ideal for sharing punctual game events.
The Fusion module has 3 types of RPCs:
Action RPC
Condition RPC
Trigger RPC
All of them work the same as the original Run instructions from Game Creator 2 except that they run through the Fusion network, and the target object requires a NetworkObject.
RPC Target
define on which it is executed.
: can be sent / is executed by all peers in the session (including the server).Proxies
: can be sent / is executed by a peer who does not have either Input Authority or State Authority over the object.InputAuthority
: can be sent / is executed by the peer with Input Authority over the object.StateAuthority
: can be sent / is executed by the peer with State Authority over the object.
Cache State
If enabled, the state of the trigger will be cached and sent to newly connected peers.
Remove Cached State
If you need to remove the cached state of any of the RPCs you can use the appropriate instructio for each type of RPC.
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