1.2.7 (29th December 2024)
Support for latest Photon Fusion SDK 2.0.4
Restructured the Start Game instruction to support loading scenes by string, enabling the use of scenes from Addressable bundles.
The master client will now automatically take network authority over objects (with “Allow State Authority Override” enabled) when players leave the session.
RPCs no longer require a player to be instantiated in order to call them
Added an option in Fusion settings to specify a custom runner prefab. This is useful for cases where customization is needed, such as integrating the Fusion Physics addon.
Added an option in Fusion settings to customize the default pool size for network-spawned objects.
Added a new property to retrieve the network-synchronized input direction value from a character.
Added new numeric properties to return the network simulation time, local render time, and the last server tick.
Fixed an issue with Spawned and Despawned network object events
Fixed an issue where the Local Player property did not return the correct object.
Fixed an issue where the Player Username property did not return the correct value.
Fixed an issue where RoomChat failed to initialize properly in certain cases.
Fixed an issue where the NavMeshAgent failed to initialize correctly after being spawned in certain cases.
Fixed multiple issues affecting NPC characters.
Username is no longer stored in PlayerPrefs
Updated demos
1.1.6 (30th October 2024)
Fixed cached rpcs issue being interrupted by model change calls
Fixed an error in NetworkCharacterEditor
Fixed an issue in sub modules version manager
Updated Fusion Uninstall to prevent removing sub modules
1.1.5 (21th October 2024)
Unity 6 support
Game Creator 2.51.17 support
Added new NPC demo scene
Added version in manager in settings
Deactivate nested network objects instead of destroying
Internal changes to prepare for upcoming sub-modules
Bug fixes in NetworkCharacter to make NPCs work properly
Added is master client bool and string properties
Player ping is now exposed over the network
Updated Network Character inspector at runtime
1.0.4 (1st October 2024)
Fixed an issue with Single player mode
Added single player demo
Reverted a change that caused an order of events issue with cached RPCs
Improved bone finding for network attachment props
1.0.3 (26th September 2024)
Support for latest Fusion 2.0.3
New Name Variables demo scene
Reduced arrays and dictionaries limit capacity to reduce pre-allocated heap
Added help urls to components
Fixed an error when using attach props without adding them to fusion
Fix for variables not replicating boolean states
Fixed an issue in TickTimer scene
Name Variables can now sync NetworkPrefabRef type
List Variables now support vector 3 and NetworkPrefabRef
Renamed Despawn instruction title
Fixed an issue where fusion was deactivating non instantiated network objects instead of destroying them
1.0.2 (23th August 2024)
Support for latest Fusion 2.0.2
Improved attachment synchronization to work with different rigs
Added setters for Network Prefab Ref
Added new Set Network Prefab Ref instruction
Added new is scene authority condition
Added new load and unload scenes instructions for fusion
Fixed some minor issues on demo scenes
1.0.1 (19th August 2024)
Breaking Change: Fusion Character Controller Directional is no longer required to synchronize characters; only attaching the Network Character component is required.
New: all other controller types like navmesh, rigidbody, tank, etc are now supported
Added option to select Network Prefab Ref from variables in Spawn Player instruction
New navmesh demo
Added all demo scenes to map selection in lobby
Fixed issue with Fusion Character Controller not setting up Network Transform properly
Renamed component menu path on some network components
Renamed disconnect game and lobby to shutdown game and shutdown lobby to avoid confussion
Added max width to default chat bubble
Updated all demo scenes
1.0.0 (19th August 2024)
First release.
Last updated
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